Thursday, January 20, 2011

Moving Day- Round 3!

No, we're not moving back yet!  But the garage is big and empty, so Jim and Dave gave us a mighty hand in moving back some appliances and outdoor items that we were keeping in storage locker number 2.
What to do with this magnificent space?  And don't you just love the Control Panel?

The weather has been rough for outside work, especially on high ladders, but today they were putting the finishing touches on the cedar shakes.

Tile work continues and is looking lovely.

The big surprise is the lighting. All the can lights are in and working. Thank goodness on a day like today.

Dave is trimming out the windows. They look beautiful!

Team Wickstrom was hard at work installing the ceiling lights in the family room. They're called Kable lights and are little LED lights hanging from a couple pairs of stainless steel cables across the family room. (For more info click the link:

Just hope the bulbs last a good long time!

Friday, January 14, 2011

The work continues

Brendan, Jazz, and I took a quick trip up to the house today. Left Seattle at 12:30 and were back by 3 with two stops for food!   :)

As we pulled up we immediately noticed  that something was very different around the bow windows. The metal panels had been put on in the front and back. They look amazing! The cedar shakes are almost finished as well. Soon the yellow Hardie Board will be a thing of the past.

On the inside, the tile is coming along nicely. The shells in the master bath shower look awesome!

All the can lights are in place.

I'm looking for inspiration for the backsplash in the laundry room. This is what I have so far...
But I'm still hoping to find some great tiles in Mexico!

The ride up and back was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with Brendan and find out what he's doing this quarter in school. I'm so proud of our son and his deep appreciation for the environment.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

chipping away at the checklist!

my list

My "to-do" list needed some attention, so off I went to Camano. The house was bustling with activity, cedar shakes going on the outside, tilework in the bathroom, trimming out the cabinets. Our neighbor Gregory says there's always something happening, which makes me feel great!

Since I am a visual person, I do much better planning something I can actually see.  I decided to figure out our cabinet hardware room-by-room.  Painful, but thorough... Check one off!

The accent tiles for the master bathroom arrived  on Tuesday from Fireclay Tile in California. The tiles are beautiful!

One slight problem,  the grouping I had in mind was too big to fit in the 12 inch opening in the shower tile. After putting our heads together, Eric, Jim, and I figured out a way to frame them with the wall tile.


This is the way it will look.  Hmmm, seems to resemble the doodle I did on my list earlier this morning.....

Check two off!

The beach was scoured by last week's storm, and  a nice layer of sand was deposited. We love the rare times that the beach is like this. A line of debris marked the extent of the wash-up .
The shakes give the house a real East Coast feel
Back to the list, I need to pick grout colors, not too hard except where a line of one color tile meets a line of a contrasting color. That will require a 'visual' with grout samples.

The kitchen countertop is recycled glass made locally here in town. The sample looks great.                                 Let's go with it!                             Check off a third!

Three out of five- not too bad!